So here is just a quick one with some more pictures. My computer has decided to crap out on me... and while this bites the big one no doubt about it, my wonderful friend Alicia has graciously allowed me to use her machine until I can get things sorted.
Teaching has been getting better and better. I feel like I am starting to really connect with the kids and get them excited about what we are learning. I am falling in love with 100 Korean children and its wonderful.
This Friday we had a teachers meeting followed by a huge Korean BBQ style dinner, after which we went to something called a Jin Jill Bang. This is basically a huge spa that is opened to anyone who wants to come, for only 5,000 won (5 $) and there are all these different rooms, each with a different theme. Some are covered in rose quartz and heated to 100 degrees, others have various degrees of hotness and have different therapeutic roots and barks in them. There are also ice rooms with crystal stalactites hanging from the ceiling. You can buy drinks or snacks (steamed and smoked eggs that are cooked using the rooms themselves) and it is opened 24 hours a day. So you can sleep there if you don't want to pay for a hotel room (that is of course if you can sleep because there are a lot of people and families with kids... and well its not the most conducive environment for a good nights rest, but super cheap).
Please keep me in your prayers this coming week as I am feeling a little tired and bleeehhhh.....
May God place his hand on you and encircle you in the coming weeks.
Love and Peace and Strength to you.
It is so great to be able to get glimpses of Maggie! A "Maggie sighting!" We miss our dear Maggie but are glad South Korea is getting blessed by her!
I love the picture with the mom in the background carrying a Dunkin' Donuts box...that is hilarious ^_^
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