This one is for the birds.... don't ask me why. It just is.
So things are moving faster than I had thought they would. It is getting colder everyday. Thanksgiving was wonderful. We had a banquet on the Army Base so I was on American soil (technically speaking) for it which was nice.
I have been thinking a lot about death lately. Not in a morbid way but more in that it is one of the most powerful commonalities that all humans share. I feel more part of the universe when I think about the fact that some day not to long from now I will die, and so will everyone else, and so has everyone who has ever lived!!! For me, it has been a freeing exercise.
I am loving life! Excited about the winter. I am getting ready to hibernate and delve deeply into the mysteries of every moment.
Thank you all for your comments and for your thoughts and prayers! I love you and am wishing you all the very best that this time can bring you.
And by popular demand here are some pictures of Halloween, Fall and my Hair!